About Us

‘My husband first came for day care in 2017, soon followed with a week in respite. I was over the moon, when a full time place became available.’

Family Member

Pilton House is situated in the pleasant village of Pilton about half a mile north of Barnstaple in the beautiful North Devon countryside, close to Exmoor and the sea. This spacious Georgian mansion has a south aspect and fine views over Barnstaple and the countryside beyond. For 200 years it was the home of families with such distinguished names as Incledon, Chichester and Bassett. In 1946 a group of local benefactors formed the Barnstaple Old People’s Housing Association Ltd and by voluntary subscription raised funds to buy the house in 1948. In 2014 Pilton House Trust replaced Barnstaple Old People’s Housing Association, becoming a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.

The house is set in beautiful landscaped grounds with lawns, trees and flowering shrubs. It is situated in the heart of the Pilton community and all everyday requirements can be bought locally.

Pilton House provides homely person-centred care for twenty eight people and is administered by a voluntary management committee on a non – profit making basis. We aim for residents to lead a full life in a pleasant and companionable atmosphere.

Apart from the grounds of Pilton House, the residents are fortunate to have their own access to the Rotary Gardens adjoining the Home. Barnstaple town centre is only half a mile away.

Regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission who is the independent regulator of health and social care in England; Pilton House is currently GOOD in all 5 areas of inspection

The Home is in the charge of an experienced Manager, supported by well trained and caring staff on call 24hrs a day.

Our Values: PRIDE IN CAREPromoting – Rights – Inclusivity – Dignity – Empowerment with Integrity by Nurturing – Compassion – Activity – Respect – Encouragement

Our Mission: Our home is your home – a happy, safe and supportive place for those who live, work & visit here

Our Vision: To provide high quality care and support with passion that promotes choice, diversity, independence and the uniqueness of every individual



Our Safeguarding Pledge

We promise to:

  • Listen to you
  • Celebrate differences and promote diversity
  • Take disclosures seriously regardless of whether they are big or small
  • Support you to access supportive services
  • Make every effort so that you feel safe in your home or place of work
  • Develop positive relationships so that you have the confidence to talk to us


  • All staff are trained in Prevent and there are Prevent leads at Pilton House Trust. We have a good understanding of radicalism and extremism. If you wish to make a disclosure or have any concerns, please talk to us

Mental Health and Wellbeing:

  • Mental health and wellbeing is important for us all. There is always someone here to talk to. If you are struggling, please come to us so that we can find the best way to support you. You are never on your own

Zero Tolerance:

  • We have zero tolerance for bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination. If you see or experience something, please tell us


We train all staff to ensure they are confident in acting on and reporting concerns. Please do not hesitate to speak to any member of staff at any time.


Anti-bullying helpline                                          0845 225 5787

Childline                                                                0800 1111

Victim support                                                     0845 456 8800

Sexwise                                                                 0800 28 29 30

NHS Direct                                                            111

Women’s domestic violence helpline              0161 660 7999

Citizens Advice Bureau                                       0844 826 9695

Frank                                                                     0800 776 600

Care Direct                                                           0345 155 1007

Care Quality Commission                                  03000 616 161

Devon Adults Safeguarding                              safeguardingadultsboardsecure-mailbox@devon.gov.uk













Meet the Team